A few days ago, I ranted here that I was growing increasingly annoyed with Talkers, and today, a prime example of Doers with a success story appears. The Blogosphere has been buzzing about Instagram’s purchase by Facebook for a valuation of USD $ 1Billion. This is indeed an amazing success for them. There are a few valuable entrepreneurship lessons that can be drawn from this but one of the most important ones to me is – Execution is King – inspired by this article from TNW.
Kevin Systrom had a vision and it was to build a more efficient way to share photos
through the Stanford email network. Being a marketer, he chose to actually sit down and learn to code the product with his Co-Founder instead of constantly fluffing around and talking about the vision. Keep it simple and focus on actual execution. This was what differentiated Instagram. They worked on an MVP, got friends to use it and kept improving on it till they demoed the actual product to Andreessen Horowitz and Baseline and obtained funding.
This is clearly the way to win. No talk, cut the fluff and just execute.